In our groups we had to create an engaging and original idea for a two minute film opening. After brainstorming different ideas, we all came to the conclusion that the most relational, interesting and more practical to film would mainly be focused around urban drama. Similar to recent drama films like 'Kidulthood' and 'One Day'. As we are all teenagers who are currently growing up in the city of London, we thought it would be easier to base our film-opening on an urban drama as it is easy for us to relate to and speak about. These films and programs surprisingly have given a positive impact and clearer understanding as to why crime is so high.
We developed out ideas into a vague scene-by-scene structure so we had a basis idea on what was going to happen. The film is set in our very own school; Queens Park Community School, and begins when the typical school day has to come to an end and most of the students/teachers have already left the build. Leaving behind a very large and deserted place, an eerie atmosphere is created with numerous shots filming the dark school. Shortly after we see an anonymous male student whom is walking through the empty corridors, with no footage revealing his face however the camera positioned facing his back. With the camera following him as he storms through multiple doors he then approaches a D.T. room, ensuring no personal are present in the classroom, he begins to search for something. The boy locates a screwdriver that has been left on the desk, quickly puts it in his jacket pocket and paces swiftly towards the door of which he entered. His fast paced walking begins to speed up as he is passing teachers still present in and around their classrooms or offices. Appearing to look very suspicious, he noisily runs up the stairs to the second floor, walks past large windows (which also give the audience/actor a good view of the outside playground and car park) he stops and moves closer to the window and then notices his target. The boy starts running back down the corridor and once down the stairs he pushes the door and runs up to the person, aggressively brings out the screwdriver and stabs him in the lower stomach.
With the non diegetic sound of loud breathing, the stabber sprints off leaving a camera shot behind zooming into the body lying on the floor. The camera then pans out leaving the audience with a better view of the body lying on the floor with blood pouring out, the camera then moves back and pans into the sky, where the title and additional text information such as the actor/actresses's name's appears with non diegetic sound of a life support machine in the background.
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